Monday, July 15, 2013

Many Companies DBA Interviews Questions

Database Interview Questions - Accenture
1. What is normalization?
2. How many types of normalization? What is the use of it?
3. What is data warehousing?
4. What are different types of data models available? Explain with example?
5. What is RDBMS?
6. What is the difference between primary and foreign key?

SQL Interview Questions - Cognizant
Arvind Sinha 01-3-2012 01:29 AM
1. What do you understand by SQL?
2. What are different phases of normalization?
3. Explain different kinds of keys used in Database?
4. What is the difference between primary and unique key?
5. What are constraints?
6. Explain different types of constraints with an example?
Oracle HR placement questions
Placement questions 02-1-2012 01:10 AM
Do you have a girl friend/Wife?
What is your Vision?
What is the mission of your life?
Where do you see yourself after 2-3 years from now?
What are your hobbies?
What kind of a person are you - Introvert/Extrovert?
Do you believe in competition or team work?
If your manger has given you a task and your manager’s manger is saying not to do that work, what you will do? You will obey your manager or his manager?

Top of Form
Database Interview Questions - Motorola
Dharmendra 01-5-2012 12:59 AM

1. Write a query to display row number with records?

2. What is replication?

3. Select the query through which you can display the records within a given range?
a) select row from emp where rowname <=&rangeend
b) select row from emp where rowname <&rangeend
c) select column from emp where rowname &rangeend
d) select column from emp where rowname <=&rangeend

4. Select the query which allows you to select rownum and employee name (empname) from a record(emp)?
a) select rownum, enum from emp;
b) select colnum, ename from emp;
c) select colname, enum from emp;
d) select rownum, ename from emp;

5. What one to one relationship indicates?

a) More entities are needed.
b) The model should be denormalized.
c) The tables are not properly indexed.
d) The model cannot be implemented physically.

6. What clause do you use in the query to help avoid a tablescan?

a) GROUP BY clause
b) HAVING clause
c) FROM clause
d) WHERE clause

7. How to view version information in Oracle?

Bottom of Form

SQL Interview Questions - Wipro
Rajat 01-2-2012 06:49 AM
1. What are SSL and TSL protocols?
2. Explain the difference between HTTP and HTTPS in database?
3. What is the use of RDBMS?
4. Explain few examples of RDBMS?
5. What is the name of the Database which IBM mainframe uses?
6. Explain the database you used in your final year project?

Database Interview Questions - Dell
Robert Jena 01-4-2012 04:30 AM
1. What is entity relationship model?
2. Explain with an example what are attributes?
3. What is a relationship?
4. What are the techniques you will use to maintain a database?
5. What is Meta data?
6. How you will create Meta table?

Database interview questions - IBM
Rachna Singh 01-3-2012 12:53 AM
1. What do you know about DB2?
2. Have you ever used it? Can you also explain some benefits of it?
3. What is indexing? Why you need it?
4. What is the difference between stored procedure and triggers?
5. What is the difference between truncate and delete commands?
6. What do you understand by join? Explain with one example?

Database Interview Questions - iGate
Rohit Sharma 01-4-2012 06:07 AM
1. What are the different types of languages present in the database?
2. What are the design issues present in E-R diagrams?
3. Draw an E-R diagram on car loan system?
4. How data abstraction can be achieved in Database system?
5. Is it possible to restore lite speed backup into SQL server?
6. What is the difference between User and login?

Database Interview Questions - Microsoft
Rajan 01-5-2012 12:49 AM
1. How is it possible to setup a dedicated server?
2. What are the steps to follow to set it up?
3. What type of database will be used in this server?
4. Write a command to upgrade SQL*NET v1 client to v2?
5. What is meant by dead connection detection?
6. Write a query to enable this connection?

Database Interview Questions - SAP
Yogi 01-5-2012 01:35 AM
1. What is the command to create an index?
a) CREATE index name on table (empno)
b) CREATE name index on table
c) CREATE table
d) None of the above

2. What is the command to delete an index?
a) DROP index empno.empid
b) DELETE index empno.empid
c) REMOVE index empno.empid
d) None of the above

3. What is the purpose of NOT NULL constraint?

a) allows NULL values in table
b) allow to pass NULL values in column
c) doesn’t allow NULL values in table
d) doesn’t allow NULL values in column

4. What are different types of primary key exists?
5. What are the constraints used in a database?
6. What is referential integrity constraint?
7. What are the key values it provides?
8. What are the different clauses used inside a foreign key?

1. How many different types of attributes that is available in database?
2. What are entity sets?
3. What are composite attributes? Explain with one example?
4. Define NULL values? How to represent it?

1. What are SSL and TSL protocols?
2. Explain the difference between HTTP and HTTPS in database?
3. What is the use of RDBMS?
4. Explain few examples of RDBMS?
5. What is the name of the Database which IBM mainframe uses?
6. Explain the database you used in your final year project?

SQL Server Interview Questions - HCL
Rahim 01-3-2012 01:42 AM
1. Write a SQL query to find out the most recently hired employee in each table?

table a: EMP_table

table b: dept_table

2. Explain the two methods by which SQL can be retrieved?
3. Differentiate between a "where" clause and a "having" clause?
4. Write a SQL statement to read data out of a table?
5. Explain different types of joins?
6. What types of index data structures are used in SQL?
7. What is a functional dependency?
8. Can you give some examples of it?

Database Interview Questions - 3i Infotech
Akhil Bansal 01-3-2012 01:03 AM
1. RDBMS file system can be defined as

a) Interrelated
b) Independent
c) Unrelated
d) None of the above

2. What is a super key?

a) Primary key and attribute
b) Foreign key
c) Composite key
d) Unique key

3. You are creating a Index on EMPNO column in the EMPLOYEE table. Which statement will you use?

a) CREATE INdEX emp_empno_idx ON employee, empno;
b) CREATE INdEX emp_empno_idx FOR employee, empno;
c) CREATE INdEX emp_empno_idx ON employee(empno);
d) CREATE emp_empno_idx INdEX ON employee(empno);

4. Which Statement would you use to remove the EMPLOYEE_Id_PK PRIMARY KEY constraint and all depending constraints from the EMPLOYEE table?

c) ALTER TABLE employee DROP PRIMARY KEY employee_id_pk CASCAdE;
d) MODIFY TABLE employee DELETE PRIMARY KEY employee_id_pk CASCAdE;

1. Data dictionary software package is called as:
a) DB/DC dictionary
d) Data Manager

2. The function of a database is:
a) to check all input data
b) to check all spelling
c) to collect and organize input data
d) to output data

3. What is the language used to allows user to access the database in DBMS?
a) High level language
b) SQL
c) Query Language
d) Low level language

4. How the model for a record management system gets displayed:
a) handwritten list
b) business form
c) Rolodex card file
d) all of above

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