Monday, July 15, 2013

crack DBA interviews

What Is a Database ?
Ans : Database is a structure that stores information about multiple types of entities, the attributes (or characteristics) of the entities, and the relationships among the entities. It also
contains data types for attributes and indexes.
Which type of storage system is Oracle? What other storage systems are available? | Oracle DBA
Ans: Oracle is a type of Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Another available storage system is Hierarchical Storage Management system, such as Information Management System (IMS) from IBM and Integrated Database Management System (IDMS) from Computer Associates.

Define Database Management System (DBMS) and RDBMS. | Oracle DBA

DBMS is a program that defines the rules for data storage and retrieval. RDBMS is a special type of DBMS that stores the data in the relational format as described in the relational theory by E.F. Codd.

How is Oracle different from other programming languages? | Oracle DBA

Oracle or any other DBMS is a program that handles user requests (data retrieval, storage, or modification requests) without any requirement to specify the algorithm to do so.

Give some examples of join methods. | Oracle DBA

Some examples of join methods are given as follows:
i. Merge join — Sorts both the joining tables by using the join key and then merges the sorted rows.
ii. Nested loop join — Applies filter conditions specific to the outer table and gets a result set. After that, it joins the inner table with the result set using either an index or a full table scan.
iii. Hash join — Uses hash algorithm for filter conditions on smaller table first and then performs the same hashing algorithm on the other table for joined columns. After that, it returns the matching rows.

Which sorting algorithm does Oracle follow? | Oracle DBA

Oracle used to follow a balanced binary tree sorting algorithm to effectively build an n-memory index on the incoming data.
Binary tree search places a huge memory and CPU overhead on the system for large searches; therefore, Oracle introduced an algorithm based on heap sort, which is more efficient. However, it also has a limitation of re-ordering incoming rows even when the data is not arriving out of order.

What is the standard normal form for most Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) databases? | Oracle DBA

3NF is the standard normal form for most OLTP databases.

What is join dependency? | Oracle DBA

A join dependency is a situation where a table can be created by joining two or more tables.

what is the Difference between Database and instance? | Oracle DBA

Database is the collection of datafiles that contain the information of interest; whereas, Instance is the common of background processes and memory structure.
Chapter 2: Oracle Architecture
1. What are the components of an Oracle instance?

2. What is the difference between database and instance?  
3. What are the different types of memory structure available in Oracle?  
4. What are the components of SGA?  
5. Why do you need PGA?  
PGA is a raemor, area used by Oracle Is required to store session specific information.
6. What are the disk components?  
Data files, Redo Logs, Contro, files, Password files, and Parameter files are the disk components
7. What happens when a user requests for some information from RDBMS?   
The following steps are performed when a user requests for some information:
1. RDBMS checks if a copy of the parsed SQL statement exists in the library cache. If parsed copy exists, then steps 2 to 6 are skipped.
2. RDBMS validates the syntax of the statement.
3. RDBMS ensures that all the columns and tables referenced in the statement exist.
4. RDBMS acquires parse locks on objects referenced in the statement so that their definitions do not change while statement is parsed.
5. RDBMS ensures that the user has sufficient privileges.
6. Statement is parsed and execution plan is created.
7. Statement is executed.
8. Values are fetched.

8. What do you mean by data consistency? How does Oracle maintain consistency of data?   
In a multi-user environment, there can be situations when one or more users are reading certain set of data while other is modifying the same set of data. Data consistency provides a stable or consistent data to the users throughout the session.
Data consistency is maintained through rollback segments. A rollback segment holds the data image before change; therefore, one or more sessions will get the same image of the data throughout the session that were reading the data while another session is updating.
9. What happens when multiple users try to update the same set of data?  
Oracle uses locking mechanism to ensure that only one session or user can update a single set of data at given point in time.
10. How long does the rollback segment hold data to maintain consistency?   
Rollback segment holds the previous version of data block until either it gets committed or the space is not available for reuse. If a session is reading specific block from rollback segment while the other session has committed the information, then more rollback space is required to maintain more rollback information. In that case, this specific block ages out of the rollback segment and the reading or selecting session gets an error.

11. What is the process of updating or inserting certain data in the database?  
Following is the process to update or insert data in the database:
i. RDBMS searches for parsed statement in library cache or parses the statement to generate execution plan.
ii. Server process retrieves relevant data from disk to the buffer cache. In case of inserting data in the database, the data block with sufficient free space will be retrieved.
iii. Lock is acquired. The data block is updated in the buffer cache.
iv. A lock is acquired on rollback segment as well to store old version of data in case rollback is required.
v. User process creates a redo entry in the redo log buffer to support recovery.
12. What is System Change Number (SCN)?  
SCN is an ID that Oracle generates for every transaction. It is recorded with the corresponding change in a redo entry.
13. What is DataBase WRiter (DBWR)?  
DBWR is a background process that writes changed data blocks from buffer cache to the datafile. The changed data blocks are called dirty blocks.
14. When does DBWR write to the datafile?
Following are the situations when DBWR writes to the datafile:
i. When checkpoint occurs.
ii. When number of dirty blocks reaches a threshold.
iii. Every three seconds due to timeout.
iv. When server process needs free space in buffer cache to read new blocks.
15. What is LoG WRiter (LGWR)?   
LGWR is the background process that writes redo information from redo log buffers to the log files.
16. When does LGWR write to the log file?  
Following are the situations when LGWR writes to the log file:
i. When a user process commits a transaction.
ii. When redo log buffer is one-third full.
iii. When more than a megabyte of changes are recorded into the redo log buffer.
iv. Before DBWR writes modified blocks to the datafiles.
17. What is the physical structure of the disk resources in Oracle 
Following is the physical structure of the disk resources in Oracle:
Control files — Stores the status of the physical structure of the database. It contains different types of information, such as archive log history, datafile records, redo threads, log records, and database name.
 Datafiles — Refers to the physical files of the operating system that store the data of all logical structures in the database
Redo log files — Refers to the files, which log a history of all the changes made to the database.
18. What is the logical structure of the disk resources?   
Following is the logical structure of the disk resources:
 Data block — Refers to the smallest logical storage unit. Size of a data block is a multiple of operating system block size.
 Extent — Refers to the contiguous set of data blocks, which is allocated as a unit to a segment.
 Tablespace — Refers to the final logical storage unit. It is mapped to physical datafile.
 Segment— Allocates a logical structure, such as table. It is a set of extents, which are stored in the same
19. What is the difference between a temporary tablespace and a permanent tablespace?   
A temporary tablespace provides temporary storage during the processing of database function, such as sorting; whereas, a permanent tablespace is used to store permanent database objects, such as tables, partitions, indexes, and clusters.
You do not need to backup or restore a temporary tablespace.

20. Name a tablespace, which is automatically created when you create a database.  
The SYSTEM tablespace is created automatically during database creation. It contains data dictionary objects.
All data stored on behalf of stored PL/SQL program units (procedures, functions, packages, and triggers) resides In the SYSTEM tablespace, which Is always online when the database is open.
21. Which file is accessed first when you start an Oracle database?  
Initialization parameter file or SPFILE is always accessed first when an Oracle database is started.
This file is used to determine database level setting because those values are stored as parameters in this file.
22. What is the job of the System Monitor (SMON) and Process Monitor (PMON) processes?
. SMON helps in recovery at instance startup. It is responsible for cleaning up temporary segments and coalescing free extents. SMON also performs failed instance recovery for other failed Real Application Clusters instances.
PMON performs process recovery when a user process fails. It is responsible for cleaning up the database buffer cache and freeing resources that the user process was using. For example, it resets the status of the active transaction table, releases locks, and removes the process ID from the list of active processes.
PMON periodically checks the status of dispatcher and server processes, and restarts any process that have stopped running (but not the process, which Oracle has terminated intentionally). It also registers information about the instance and dispatcher processes with the network listener.
Similar to SMON, PMON checks regularly to see whether it is needed and can be called if another process detects the need for it.
23. How do you control the number of datafiles in an Oracle database?  
The number of datafiles in an Oracle database is controlled by the initialization parameter DB_FILES
24. How do you determine the maximum number of datafiles in an Oracle database?   
DB_FILES initialization parameter determines the maximum number of datafiles. A change in this parameter requires a restart of the database.
The default value of DB_FILES is operating system specific.
When determining a value for DB_FILES, you should consider the following situations:
i. If the value of DB_FILES is too low, you cannot add datafiles beyond the DB_FILES limit without first shutting down the database.
ii. If the value of DB_FILES is too high, memory is unnecessarily consumed.

25. How do you control the maximum number of redo log files in a database?
The maximum number of redo log files can be controlled by the parameter MAXLOGFILES.
26. What is the difference between SPFILE and PFILE?  
Oracle can use both SPFILE and PFILE as initialization parameter files.
SPFILE is a binary file while PFILE is a text file.
You can change the values in PFILE by directly editing it but those changes would not take effect until the restart of the Whereas, you have to use Oracle statements to change the values in SPFILE and these changes can be incorporated dynamically in a running database.
27. What are the advantages of using SPFILE?   
SPFILE supports dynamic changes in parameter values. The changes in SPFILE can only be made by using the Oracle statements; therefore, there is no chance of accepting impossible changes as it will be checked by the system. As a result, chances of human errors are reduced.
Moreover, back up of SPFILE is possible through RMAN.
28. How can you find out if the database is using a PFILE or SPFILE?  
A non-null value for the spfile parameter indicates that the database is using SPFILE. The following query can give the desired result:
SQL>SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name='spfi1e'; If the preceding query returns the value, then the database is using SPFILE; otherwise, the database is using PFILE.
29. How do you view parameter values when you are using PFILE or SPFILE?  
You can use the SHOW PARAMETER command from SQL*Plus or query v$PARAMETER view to see the value of the parameters.
30. How can you start the database using PFILE or SPFILE?   
Oracle scans for SPFILE or PFILE in the ORACLE_HOME/dbs (UNIX) or ORACLE_HOME/database (Windows) directory.
First, it looks for SPFILE and then for PFILE in the directories.
Oracle searches in the following order:
1. spfile.ora
2. spfile.ora
3. init.ora
4. init.ora
If you want to use a specific PFILE or SPFILE, you can specify the complete path and file name at the startup of the Oracle database using the following command: SQL>startup pfile='path/filename'
31. Explain the process to change parameter values.   
PFILE is a text file and can be edited in any editor.
SPFILE is a binary file and has to be modified using the ALTER SYSTEM statement. The syntax to modify the SPFILE is given as follows:

32. How can you covert SPFILE to PFILE 3nd PFILE to SPFILE?   
One can easily migrate from a PFILE to SPFILE or vice versa.
Execute the following commands from a user with the SYSDBA or SYSOPER privilege:

33. How can you backup the parameter files?

RMAN can be used to backup SPFILE with control file if CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP is ON. The
following RMAN command can be used to backup the control file:
The following RMAN command can be used to restore an SPFILE:
34. What is the PGA_AGGREGRATE_TARGET parameter? 
The PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter specifies the target aggregate PGA memory available to all server processes attached to an instance.
This parameter is used to set overall size of work-area required by various components. A non-zero value of this parameter is equivalent to setting WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY parameter to AUTO. In this case, you do not need to specify individual *_AREA_SIZE parameter values.
35. What happens after a user process fails?  
PMON cleans up the memory after user process fails.
36. What happens during startup mount?  
In case of startup mount, the parameter and control files can be read but the datafiles and the log files cannot be accessed because database is not yet open. Generally, this mode is used when a datafile recovery is required.
37. What background process refreshes materialized views?  
The job queue processes refresh the materialized views.
38. What is the difference between multithreaded/shared server and dedicated server?   
In case of a dedicated server, a server process is associated with a single user process and serves it dedicatedly.
In case of a shared server, a single server process can serve multiple user processes. This is achieved with the help of a dispatcher process, which places each user process in a single request queue. Server process picks up the user process whenever it is free. After that, the server process puts the result in the individual response queue associated with different dispatcher processes.
39. What is a listener process?  
The listener or Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) listener is a server process that provides network connectivity to the Oracle database. The listener is configured to listen for connection requests on a specified port on the database server. When an incoming request is received on the port, the listener attempts to resolve the request and forward the connection information to the appropriate database instance.
40.    What is large pool? What are the benefits of using large pool?  
Oracle large pool is an optional memory component of the Oracle database SGA. This area is used for providing large memory allocations in many situations that arise during the operations of an Oracle database instance.
Memory from the large pool can be allocated for the following components:
i. Session memory for the shared server and the Oracle XA interface for distributed transactions
ii. I/O server processes
iii. Parallel query buffers.
Chapter 3: Backup & Recovery
1.       What do you understand by database backup? What are the different types of backup?   
Database is used to store the data, which is the most crucial part of a business. It is important to keep the data safe; and therefore, backup provides a way to safeguard data against any loss.
There are mainly three types of backup, which are given as follows:
i. Full backup or normal backup — Refers to the backup of all the datafiles, control files, and SPFILEs.
ii. Incremental backup — Refers to the backup of files and folders that have been modified or created after the previous backup. After this backup, the attribute is again reset.
iii. Differential backup — Refers to the backup of files and folders that have been modified or created after a previous full or incremental backup. The difference here is that the attributes are not reset. Therefore, every time it backup those files whose attributes have not been reset or changed.
2. Which files must be backed up?   
The following files must be backed up:
1. Database files:
? Control files
? Archived log files
? Password files
3. What is full backup?  
A full backup is a backup of all the datafiles, control files, and SPFILE.
A full backup can be made with RMAN or the operating system commands wh le the database is open or closed. As a rule, you must perform full backup, if your database is not running in the archive log mode.
4. Which tools can you use for full backup?   
You can use either the operating system utilities or the RMAN utility for full backup.
However, Oracle recommends the use of RMAN utility.
5. Can you backup the online redo log files?   
We cannot backup the online redo logs; however, online redo logs are protected by multiplexing and optionally by archiving.
6. What is the difference between hot backup and cold backup?   
Hot backup is taken when database is still online while cold backup is taken when database is offline.
Database needs to be in the archive log mode for the hot backup but there is no such requirement for the cold backup.
7. Why more redo is generated during hot backup?   
During the hot backup, when a tablespace is put up in the backup mode, all the datafiles that belongs to the tablespace get their checkpoint frozen.
When DBWR process writes the changed data blocks to the datafile, the same data blocks are written to redo log files to support roll forward process to maintain the consistency of a hot backup. This is the reason for large redo generation and requirement of archive logs for hot backup.
8. What is the difference between incremental backup and differential backup?   
Both, Incremental and differential backup files that have been modified or created after the previous backup. However, attributes are reset after the incremental backup but not after
the differential backup.
9. Can we take incremental backup without taking the full backup?   
No, full backup should be taken before the incremental backup.
10. How to recover database if we lost the control file and we do not have a backup and the database is also down?   
You need to check whether the control file backup is available in the trace file (udump) or the alert log to recover the database.
11. What is RMAN?   
RMAN is an Oracle supplied tool or utility that can be used to manage backup and recovery activities.
12. Suppose you have taken a manual backup of a datafile using the operating system. How RMAN will know about it?   
RMAN maintains the repository of backup information. This repository can be maintained in the recovery catalog or the control file.
In case of the manual backup, information about the backup needs to be recorded in the RMAN repository. This can be done through the catalog command.
13. What is catalog command and how is it used?   
Catalog command is used to register different types of information with RMAN's repository.
Catalog command can be used to perform the following tasks:
i. Add information of backup pieces and image copies in the repository that are on disk a Record information about the level 0 backup in the RMAN repository.
ii. Record information about the copy taken by the operating system
Following examples show the use of catalog command:
1.Catalog an archive log — CATALOG ARCHIVELOG '<filename>';
2.Catalog a data file copy — CATALOG DATAFILECOPY '<filename>' Level <level>;
14. How do you mark the beginning of backup and what happens after that?   
You can use the following statement to mark the beginning of backup:
SQL>alter database begin backup; The preceding statement marks the beginning of a backup by freezing the header of the datafiles. After that, the files cannot be changed. The changes in the data will be recorded in the files after the backup is complete.
You can indicate the completion or end of the backup using the following statement:
SQL>alter database end backup;
15. How do you find the total database size in the database?   
You can use the following database views to get the information on database size:
i. dba_segments — Gives the information about the used space. You can take a total of all the bytes in the dba_segments view to get the used space.
ii. dba_data__files — Gives the Information on space allocated to datafiles for permanen tablespaces.
iii. v$log— Gives the information on redo log files.
16. Can you track changes to blocks during hot backup?   
Oracle database llg offers bock change tracking feature. It records the information in bock change tracking file. RMAN uses this information to d termine specific blocks to be backed up again without re-scanning the entire datafile.
17. What are the architectural components of RMAN?   
Following are the architectura components of RMAN:
i. RMAN executable
ii. Server processes
iii. Channels
iv. Target database
v. Recovery catalog database (optional)
vi. Media management layer (optional)
vii. Backups, backup sets, and backup pieces.
18. How does RMAN improve performance of backup?   
RMAN uses multiple channels and does not take backup of free blocks. This is the reason why performance of RMAN backup is better.
19. What are channels?   
RMAN process uses channel to communicate with I/O devices.
You can control the type of I/O device, parallelism, number of files, and size of files by allocating channels.
20. Can you take offline backup with RMAN?   
Yes, you can take offline backup with RMAN.
21. What Is a recovery catalog?   
Recovery catalog is an inventory of the backup taken by RMAN for the database. It is used to restore a physical backup, reconstruct it, and make it available to the Oracle server.

22. Can you use RMAN without recovery catalog?  
Yes, RMAN can be used without recovery catalog.
23. Why is the catalog optional?   
Catalog is optional because RMAN manages backup and recovery operations and it requires a place to store necessary information about the database. RMAN always stores this information in the target database control file. You can also store the RMAN metadata in a recovery catalog schema contained in a separate database. The recovery catalog schema must be stored in a database other than the target database.
24. What does RMAN backup consist of?   
RMAN backup consists of a backup of all or part of a database. This results from issuing an RMAN backup command. A backup consists of one or more backup sets.
25. What is a backup set?  
Backup set is a logical grouping of backup files that are created when you issue an RMAN backup command. It is RMAN's name for a collection of files associated with a backup. A backup set
is composed of one or more backup pieces.
26. What is a backup piece?   
Backup piece is a physical binary file created by RMAN during a backup. They are written to a backup medium, such as disk or tape. Backup pieces contain blocks from the target
The following rules must be kept in mind while constructing a backup piece from datafiles:
i. A datafile cannot span backup sets
ii. A datafile can span backup pieces as long as it stays within one backup set
iii. Datafiles and control files can coexist in the same backup sets
iv. Archived redo log files are never in the same backup set as datafiles or control files
v. RMAN is the only tool that can operate on backup pieces; therefore, you must use the RMAN tool if you need to restore a file from an RMAN backup. You cannot manually reconstruct the database files from the backup pieces; therefore, you must use RMAN to restore files from a backup piece.
27. What are the benefits of using RMAN?  
Following are the benefits of using RMAN:
i. Incremental backups that only copy data blocks, which have changed since the last backup.
ii. Tablespaces are not put in the backup mode; therefore, there is no extra redo log generation during online backups
iii. Detection of corrupt blocks during backups
iv. Parallelization of I/O operations
v. Automatic logging of all the backup and recovery operations
vi. Built-in reporting and listing commands.
28.Suppose you lost a control file. How do you recover from this?  
You need to perform the following steps to recover the control file:
i. Start the database in the nomount mode
ii. Create the control file from the control file backup and place it in the correct location
iii. Mount the database
iv. Recover the database
v. Open the database.
29. Can you take partial backups if the database is running in the NOARCHIVELOG mode?   
n this case, partial backup is possible; however, they are not useful.
30. Can you take online backups if the database is running in the NOARCHIVELOG mode?   
No. The database needs to be in the ARCHIVELOG mode to support online backups.
31. How do you bring the database in the ARCHIVELOG mode from the NOARCHIVELOG mode?  
To bring the database in the ARCHIVELOG mode from the NOARCHIVELOG mode, you should edit your init.ora / spfile with the following information:
1og_archi ve_dest='/uOl/oradata/archlog'
(for example)
log„archive_format=,%t_%s.dbf' (for example)
-- for versions lower than lOg
sql>startup mount
sql>alter database archivelog;
sql>alter database open;
It is preferable to backup the database before switching to the ARCHIVELOG mode.
32. If you cannot shutdown the database even for a minute, then in which mode would you run the database?   
In this case, the database should be run in the ARCHIVELOG mode.
33. Where should you place archive log files- in the same disk where database exists or in another disk?      
Archive log files should not be saved in the same disk as datafiles to ensure recovery in case of media failure. They should be kept on separate mount points or disk.
34. Can you take online backup of a control file?   
Yes, by using the following statement:
alter database backup controlfile to '<location>' or trace.
35. What is logical backup?  
Logical backup is a process of extracting data in the form of SQL statements, where it is useful to recover in case the objects are lost. The main drawback of using this backup is that MEAN TIME TO RECOVER is high.
36. Can you take the backup of log files if the database is running in the ARCHIVELOG mode?   
No, you cannot take the backup of log files if the database is running in the ARCHIVELOG mode
37. Suppose you want to retain only last three backups of datafiles. How do you perform it in RMAN?   
You need to configure the retention period in RMAN to retain the last three backups of datafiles.
38. Which is more efficient- incremental backups using RMAN or incremental export?   
RMAN incremental backup is more efficient than the incremental export.
39. How do you recover from the loss of datafile if the database is running in the NOARCHIVELOG mode?   
The datafile can be recovered from the cold backup. However, it cannot be recovered to the point of failure.
40. Consider a situation where you have lost some datafiles and don't have the full backup. The database was running in the NOARCHIVELOG mode. What can you do now?   
The datafile can be recreated if it is NON-SYSTEM datafile. However, data will be lost.
Chapter 5: Managing Physical Structure
1. What is the control file? How is it used?   
Control file is a file that contains all the information about the physical structure of the database, such as the number of log files and their location.
Oracle database server uses control file to find its physical component.
2. Where is the information about control file stored?  
Initialization parameter file or server parameter file stores the information about control file. The name of the parameter to store control file information is CONTROL_FILES.
3. At what stage of instance, startup information about control file is read (from parameter file)?  
 Control file is required to mount the database; therefore, the control file information should be available before mounting, that is, at mount stage.
4. What kind of information is stored in a control file?   
Control file stores information about log switches, checkpoints, and modification in disk resources.
5. Can you recover a control file?   
No. A backup of control file generates a script to create a new.
6. What happens when control file is damaged?   
You cannot restore the database if control file is damaged.
7. How do you ensure that control file is safe considering the importance of it?   
Multiplexing is used to ensure availability of the control file. It means creating multiple copies of the control file. Ideally, you should keep those copies in different physical locations so that
in case of media failure, you have at least one copy of control file that can be used.
8. Explain the steps of creating copy of a control file.  
Following are the steps to create a copy of a control file:
i. Shutdown the database using the shutdown normal, shutdown immediate, or shutdown transactional commanc
ii. Copy the control file to another disk using operat system's file copy command
iii. Modify the CONTROL_FILE parameter in initializat: parameter file to include additional control file
iv. Restart the instance.
9. How can you obtain the information about control file?   
You can obtain the information about control file from I initialization parameter file.
Alternatively,you can query the V$CONTROLFILE arc I V$CONTROLFILE_RECORD_SECTION views to obtan information about control files.
10. How do you add a datafile to a tablespace?   
You can add a datafile to a tablespace by using the i-TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE SIZE; statement.
11. How do you resize a datafile?   
You can resize a datafile by using the ALTER DATABASE
12. What view would you use to look at the size of a datafile?  
The DBA_DATA_FILES view can be used to look at the size of a datafile.
13. What view would you use to determine free space in a tablespace?  
The DBA__FREE_SPACE view can be used to determine free space in a tablespace.
14. What are online redo log files? How are they used?   
Redo log files are the disk resources to store data changes.
Whenever data is changed, the information about the change is stored in the redo log file. It helps in recovery.
15. Define the redo log group and the redo log member.  
Redo log group is a set of identical redo log files. Each log file in the group is referred to as a redo log member. A database needs to maintain at least two redo log groups.
16. What is archive log file? How is it used?   
Archive log file stores redo log information persistently. A redo log is overwritten with time; therefore, archive log maintains that lost information. 17. How can you get the information about log
17. How can you get the information about log files and archive log files? 
There are different data dictionary views, such as V$LOGFILE and V$ARCHIVE_LOG, to obtain information about log files and archive log files.
18. What is log switch?   
A log switch is a point when LoG WRiter (LGWR) fills one online redo log group and starts writing to another. At every log switch a checkpoint occurs.
19. How would you force a log switch?   
A log switch can be forced by using the ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE; statement.
20. What is checkpoint?   
A checkpoint is a point when a background process updates the headers of all datafiles and control files to synchronize the files. At checkpoint, DataBase WRiter (DBWR) writes the dirty buffers to the datafile.
Chapter 7: Real Application Cluster
1. WhatisRAC?   
Real Application cluster (RAC) is a clustering solution. It ensures high availability for database applications.
A RAC setup contains at least two nodes for a database. RAC provides high availability and load balancing through these nodes.
2. How is RAC different from non-RAC databases?   
A non-RAC database has a single node while a RAC database has multiple (at least two) nodes. The nodes in a RAC set up share storage. RAC offers failover option while a non-RAC database does not offer failover option because it is based on a single node.
3. What is an interconnect network?    
An interconnect network is a network between nodes of a cluster. It uses switches to ensure that only nodes can access this network. Generally, this is a high-speed connection.
4. Explain the software component of RAC.  
In a RAC set up, each node has an Instance similar to a non RAC database. Each nstance in RAC has its own memory structures and background processes.
Oracle RAC instances use two processes: GES (Global Enqueue Service) and GCS (Global Cache Service) that enable cache fusion.
5. List the background processes required for RAC.   
The background processes required for RAC are given as follows:
i. ACMS— Atomic C ntrolfile to Memory Service
ii. GTXO-j— Global Transaction Process
iii. LMON— Global Enqueue Service Monitor
iv. LMD— Global Enqueue Service Daemon
v. LMS— Global Cache Service Process
vi. LCKO— Instance Enqueue Process
vii. RMSn — Oracle RAC Management Processes
viii. RSMN— Remote Slave Monitor.
6. What is Global Resource Directory (GRD)?   
GRD is used by GES and GCS to maintain status of datafiles and cached blocks. This process provides required information for cache fusion and maintains data integrity.
7. What is the benefit of using Virtual IP (VIP)?   
Whenever an application uses VIP to connect to a database, it can failover to another available node in case of a failure of one node. You need to use VIP as the host name in the Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) entry to use VIP.
8. What is the use of Atomic Controlfile Memory Service (ACMS)?    
ACMS ensures global updates to System Global Area (SGA) in a RAC set up.
9. How does RAC ensures data consistency between two nodes?   
RAC ensures data consistency between two nodes through cache fusion.
10. What is cache fusion?   
In a RAC setup, each node has its own memory; however, they share physical datafiles. As we know that data blocks are read into memory for updates or query in a single instance database. Similarly, in a RAC set up, a node reads a block from datafile when the node needs it. However, in RAC setting, the required block may be already available in the memory of another node and it is faster to read block from the memory of another block than from a datafile. Therefore, RAC provides a mechanism to read block from memory of one node to the memory of another node. This mechanism is called cache fusion.
Oracle uses high-speed interconnect to communicate between nodes. GES monitors and the Instance Enqueue process manages the cache fusion.

11. What are the major RAC wait events?  
The major RAC wait events are associated with buffer cache.
The most common wait events in RAC are gc cr request, which occurs when an instance tries to retrieve the data from the remote cache and gc buffer busy, which occurs when one instance finds the GC buffer busy.
12. What is the use of GTXO-j?  
GTX is a Global Transaction process, which provides transparent support for XA global transactions. The number of these processes is decided automatically based on the requirements.
13. What is the use of Lock Monitor process?  
It manages global resources and locks. It configures locks and resources wheneve an instance joins or leaves the cluster. It is also called Global Enqueue Service Monitor.
14. What is the use of LMD?   
LMD stands for Lock Monitor Daemon process. This process is used for deadlock detection. It also manages remote resource and enqueue requests.
15. What is the use of LMS?   
LMS stands for Lock Monitor Service. The primary job of this process is to transfer data blocks between cache of different nodes using high-speed interconnect. It is the most important and critical process for cache fusion. Each node has at least two LMS processes.
16. What is the use of LCK0?   
LCKO is lock process, which is used to manage requests for shared resources.
17. What is the use of RMSn?   
RMSn are RAC Management processes. These processes manage RAC and create more resources whenever new instances are added to RAC.
18. What is the use of RSMN?   
RSMN stands for Remote Slave Monitor process. It creates slave processes on remote instance on behalf of master coordinating process running on another instance.
19. What components are shared in RAC?   
A RAC setup shares datafiles, control files, SP Files, redo log files; therefore, these files must be stored in the cluster-aware shared storage.
20. Why do we need to store datafiles in shared storage in RAC environment?  
A RAC setup is essentially a single database accessible through multiple nodes. Therefore, the datafiles in a RAC setup must be shared while the processes, which are used to manage or access those files, are available on each individual node.
Chapter 8: Oracle Packages
1. How can you record information about current session?  
2. What is the use of recording information about current session?
3. Name some of the procedures available in the dbms_application_info package.  
4. Is there any other way to read the information set by the dbms_application_info package?  
5. Suppose you want to modify partitioning scheme of certain tables in a live database. How can you do that?
6. Suppose you have developed scripts to redefine tables using the dbms_redefinition package and the user is granted privilege to execute the dbms_redefinition package but still the user gets insufficient privilege error when the script is executed. What is possible reason for the error?
7. Can you redefine a table online?
8. How can you use the dbms_redefinition package?
9. How can you find out If a table can be redefined?  
10. Suppose you have developed a script to redefine a table after confirming that the table can be redefined; however, the redefinition process fails in the middle and further attempts show that it cannot be redefined as materialized view exists on the table. Why did this happen and how can you recover from the situation?
11. Does Oracle provide any package to find out fragmented data blocks?
12. Can you get information about a specific rowid of a table using any Oracle supplied package?
13. How can you use the dbms_sql package to execute the DMLs dynamically?  
14. How can you execute quer es using the dbms_sql package?  
15. Does Oracle support asynchronous notification?
16. How can a session indicate its interest in receiving alerts?
17. When does an alert gets signaled?  
18. How can you process messages in order asynchronously?  
19. List some of the procedures provided by the dbms_aq package.  
20. How can you create an Advanced Queuing (AQ)?  
21. How can you grant privileges on AQ to other users?   
22. What procedures can you use to register with an AQ?   
Chapter 9: Trouble Shooting & Performance Tuning
1. Name a few places you will look to get more details on a performance issue.   

2. What is the use of ALERT log file? Where can you find the ALERT log file? 
The ALERT log is a log file that records database-wide events.
The information in the ALERT log file is generally used for trouble shooting.
Following events are recorded in the ALERT log file:
i. Database shutdown and startup information
ii. All non-default parameters
iii. Oracle internal (ORA-600) errors
iv. Information about a modified control file
v. At log switch
The location of ALERT log file is specified in the BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST parameter.

3. Which tools are available to monitor performance?   
Oracle offers Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) to monitor performance.
OEM can also be used to startup and shutdown the instance. In addition, it can be used to manage database in general.
4. What are the background trace files?  
Background trace files are associated with background processes and are generated when certain background process experiences an error. The information in background trace files is generally used for trouble shooting.
These files are located in the directory specified in the BACKGROUND_DUMP_DIRECTORY parameter.
5. What is a user process trace file?   
A user process trace file is a trace file that is produced by user session. However, this is an optional file, which is generated if the user wants to generate the file. This file is generated when the value of SQL_TRACE parameter is set to TRUE for a session.
This parameter can be set at database, instance, or session level. If it is set at instance level, trace file will be generated for all the connected sessions. If it is set at session level, trace file will be generated only for the specified session.
The location of user process trace file is specified in the USER_DUMP_DEST parameter.
The information in user process trace file is generally used for trouble shooting.

6. Which trace file is used for performance tuning and why?  
User process trace file is used for performance tuning because it contains information about execution plan and resource consumption. This information can be used for performance tuning.
7. Which utility can you use to make trace file more readable?
8. How can you monitor performance of the database pro-actively?  
9. What are dynamic performance views? Who has the access to these views?   
10. What is a lock?
11. What is db file sequential read wait event?
12. What do you understand by db file scattered read?   
13. How can you find out if a session is blocking another?
14. Describe the Oracle Wait Interface.  
15. What do the db_file_sequential_read and db_file_scattered_read events indicate?   
16. How can you get more details about the blocking session?  
17. How would you determine what sessions are connected and what resources they are waiting for?  
18. What are different types of locks?  
19. What are the different locking modes and how can you identify those?
20. How can you identify locked object?  
Chapter 10: Data Guard
1. What is data guard?  
2. Why do you need to have data guard? What are the benefits of using data guard?
3. Explain the architecture of data guard.
4. What are the services required on primary database?  
5. What are the services required on standby database?
6. What happens when standby database is not available?  
7. Is there any difference in the data changes in primary and secondary database?  
8. What is role transition and when does it happen?
9. What is the maximum number of standby databases that can be associated with a production database?
10. What is the difference between logical standby database and physical standby database?  
11. How can you find out whether a database is primary or standby?  

Chapter 11:  Oracle Installation & UNIX

1. What is Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA)? Why is it important to use OFA?  
2. Where in the Oracle directory tree structure are audit traces placed?   
3. Give the command to display space usage on the UNIX system.  
4. Give the command to list the files in the UNIX directory to list hidden files.
5. How do you execute a UNIX command in the background?  
6. How do you execute a UNIX command that will continue running even after you log out?  .
7. What is the difference between a soft link and a hard link?
8. What privileges are available on a UNIX directory?  
9. How can you replace a string in a file in the vi editor?  
10. Give two UNIX kernel parameters that affect installation of Oracle.  
11. List the major steps in installation of Oracle software on UNIX in brief.  
12. How do you find out the number of instances that are running on a server?
13. How do you automate starting and shutting down of databases in UNIX?  
14. WhatisOERR?
15. How do you view virtual memory statistics in Linux?

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