Oracle 11g RAC Interview Questions
1. What is the major difference
between 10g and 11g RAC?
Well, there is not much difference
between 10g and 11gR (1) RAC.
But there is a significant
difference in 11gR2.
Prior to 11gR1(10g) RAC, the
following were managed by Oracle CRS
- Databases
- Instances
- Applications
- Node Monitoring
- Event Services
- High Availability
From 11gR2(onwards) its completed HA
stack managing and providing the following resources as like the other cluster
software like VCS etc.
- Databases
- Instances
- Applications
- Cluster Management
- Node Management
- Event Services
- High Availability
- Network Management (provides DNS/GNS/MDNSD services on behalf of other traditional services) and SCAN – Single Access Client Naming method, HAIP
- Storage Management (with help of ASM and other new ACFS filesystem)
- Time synchronization (rather depending upon traditional NTP)
- Removed OS dependent hang checker etc, manages with own additional monitor process
2. What are Oracle Cluster
Cluster Interconnect (HAIP)
Shared Storage (OCR/Voting Disk)
Clusterware software
3. What are Oracle RAC Components?
VIP, Node apps etc.
4. What are Oracle Kernel Components
(nothing but how does Oracle RAC database differs than Normal single instance
database in terms of Binaries and process)
Basically Oracle kernel need to
switched on with RAC On option when you convert to RAC, that is the difference
as it facilitates few RAC bg process like LMON,LCK,LMD,LMS etc.
To turn on RAC
# link the oracle libraries
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
$ make -f rac_on
# rebuild oracle
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ relink oracle
# link the oracle libraries
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
$ make -f rac_on
# rebuild oracle
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ relink oracle
Oracle RAC is composed of two or
more database instances. They are composed of Memory structures and background
processes same as the single instance database.Oracle RAC instances use two
processes GES(Global Enqueue Service), GCS(Global Cache Service) that enable
cache fusion.Oracle RAC instances are composed of following background
ACMS—Atomic Controlfile to Memory
Service (ACMS)
GTX0-j—Global Transaction Process
LMON—Global Enqueue Service Monitor
LMD—Global Enqueue Service Daemon
LMS—Global Cache Service Process
LCK0—Instance Enqueue Process
RMSn—Oracle RAC Management Processes (RMSn)
RSMN—Remote Slave Monitor
GTX0-j—Global Transaction Process
LMON—Global Enqueue Service Monitor
LMD—Global Enqueue Service Daemon
LMS—Global Cache Service Process
LCK0—Instance Enqueue Process
RMSn—Oracle RAC Management Processes (RMSn)
RSMN—Remote Slave Monitor
5. What is Clusterware?
Software that provides various
interfaces and services for a cluster. Typically, this includes capabilities
- Allow the cluster to be managed as a whole
- Protect the integrity of the cluster
- Maintain a registry of resources across the cluster
- Deal with changes to the cluster
- Provide a common view of resources
6. What are the background process
that exists in 11gr2 and functionality?
Process Name
•The CRS daemon (crsd) manages
cluster resources based on configuration information that is stored in Oracle
Cluster Registry (OCR) for each resource. This includes start, stop, monitor,
and failover operations. The crsd process generates events when the status of
a resource changes.
•Cluster Synchronization Service
(CSS): Manages the cluster configuration by controlling which nodes are
members of the cluster and by notifying members when a node joins or leaves
the cluster. If you are using certified third-party clusterware, then CSS
processes interfaces with your clusterware to manage node membership information.
CSS has three separate processes: the CSS daemon (ocssd), the CSS Agent
(cssdagent), and the CSS Monitor (cssdmonitor). The cssdagent process
monitors the cluster and provides input/output fencing. This service formerly
was provided by Oracle Process Monitor daemon (oprocd), also known as
OraFenceService on Windows. A cssdagent failure results in Oracle Clusterware
restarting the node.
•Disk Monitor daemon (diskmon):
Monitors and performs input/output fencing for Oracle Exadata Storage Server.
As Exadata storage can be added to any Oracle RAC node at any point in time,
the diskmon daemon is always started when ocssd is started.
•Event Manager (EVM): Is a
background process that publishes Oracle Clusterware events
•Multicast domain name service
(mDNS): Allows DNS requests. The mDNS process is a background process on
Linux and UNIX, and a service on Windows.
•Oracle Grid Naming Service (GNS):
Is a gateway between the cluster mDNS and external DNS servers. The GNS
process performs name resolution within the cluster.
•Oracle Notification Service
(ONS): Is a publish-and-subscribe service for communicating Fast Application
Notification (FAN) events
•oraagent: Extends clusterware to
support Oracle-specific requirements and complex resources. It runs server
callout scripts when FAN events occur. This process was known as RACG in
Oracle Clusterware 11g Release 1 (11.1).
•Oracle root agent (orarootagent):
Is a specialized oraagent process that helps CRSD manage resources owned by
root, such as the network, and the Grid virtual IP address
•Cluster kill daemon (oclskd):
Handles instance/node evictions requests that have been escalated to CSS
•Grid IPC daemon (gipcd): Is a
helper daemon for the communications infrastructure
•Cluster time synchronisation
daemon(ctssd) to manage the time syncrhonization between nodes, rather
depending on NTP
7. Under which user or owner the
process will start?
Name of the Process
Oracle High Availability Service
init, root
Cluster Ready Service (CRS)
Cluster Ready Services
Cluster Synchronization Service
ocssd,cssd monitor, cssdagent
grid owner
Event Manager (EVM)
evmd, evmlogger
grid owner
Cluster Time Synchronization
Service (CTSS)
Oracle Notification Service (ONS)
ons, eons
grid owner
Oracle Agent
grid owner
Oracle Root Agent
Grid Naming Service (GNS)
Grid Plug and Play (GPnP)
grid owner
Multicast domain name service
grid owner
8. What is startup sequence in
Oracle 11g RAC? 11g RAC startup sequence?
9. As you said Voting & OCR Disk
resides in ASM Diskgroups, but as per startup sequence OCSSD starts first
before than ASM, how is it possible?
How does OCSSD starts if voting disk
& OCR resides in ASM Diskgroups?
You might wonder how CSSD, which is
required to start the clustered ASM instance, can be started if voting disks
are stored in ASM? This sounds like a chicken-and-egg problem: without access
to the voting disks there is no CSS, hence the node cannot join the cluster.
But without being part of the cluster, CSSD cannot start the ASM instance. To
solve this problem the ASM disk headers have new metadata in 11.2: you can use
kfed to read the header of an ASM disk containing a voting disk. The
kfdhdb.vfstart and kfdhdb.vfend fields tell CSS where to find the voting file.
This does not require the ASM instance to be up. Once the voting disks are
located, CSS can access them and joins the cluster.
10. How does SCAN works?
- Client Connected through SCAN name of the cluster (remember all three IP addresses round robin resolves to same Host name (SCAN Name), here in this case our scan name is
- The request reaches to DNS server in your corp and then resolves to one of the node out of three. a. If GNS (Grid Naming service or domain is configured) that is a subdomain configured in the DNS entry for to resolve cluster address the request will be handover to GNS (gnsd)
- Here in our case assume there is no GNS, now the with the help of SCAN listeners where end points are configured to database listener.
- Database Listeners listen the request and then process further.
- In case of node addition, Listener 4, client need not to know or need not change any thing from their tns entry (address of 4th node/instance) as they just using scan IP.
- Same case even in the node deletion.
11. What is GNS?
Grid Naming service is alternative
service to DNS , which will act as a sub domain in your DNS but managed by
Oracle, with GNS the connection is routed to the cluster IP and manages
12. What is GPNP?
Grid Plug and Play along with GNS
provide dynamic
In previous releases, adding or
removing servers in a cluster required extensive manual preparation.
In Oracle Database 11g
Release 2, GPnP allows each node to perform the following tasks dynamically:
- Negotiating appropriate network identities for itself
- Acquiring additional information from a configuration profile
- Configuring or reconfiguring itself using profile data, making host names and addresses resolvable on the network
For example a domain should contain
- –Cluster name: cluster01
- –Network domain:
- –GPnP domain:
To add a node, simply connect the
server to the cluster and allow the cluster to configure the node.
To make it happen, Oracle uses the
profile located in $GI_HOME/gpnp/profiles/peer/profile.xml which contains the
cluster resources, for example disk locations of ASM. etc.
So this profile will be read local
or from the remote machine when plugged into cluster and dynamically added to
13. What are the file types that ASM
support and keep in disk groups?
Control files
Flashback logs
Data Pump dump sets
Data files
Data Guard configuration
Temporary data files
RMAN backup sets
Change tracking bitmaps
Online redo logs
RMAN data file copies
OCR files
Archive logs
Transport data files
14. List Key benefits of ASM?
- Stripes files rather than logical volumes
- Provides redundancy on a file basis
- Enables online disk reconfiguration and dynamic rebalancing
- Reduces the time significantly to resynchronize a transient failure by tracking changes while disk is offline
- Provides adjustable rebalancing speed
- Is cluster-aware
- Supports reading from mirrored copy instead of primary copy for extended clusters
- Is automatically installed as part of the Grid Infrastructure
15. List key benefits of Oracle Grid
16. List some of the background
process that used in ASM?
Opens all device files as part of
discovery and coordinates the rebalance activity
One or more slave processes that
do the rebalance activity
Responsible for managing the
disk-level activities such as drop or offline and advancing the ASM disk
group compatibility
Marks ASM allocation units as
stale when needed
One or more ASM slave processes
forming a pool of connections to the ASM instance for exchanging messages
One or more parallel slave
processes used in fetching data on clustered ASM installation from GV$ views
13. What is node listener?
In 11gr2 the listeners will run from
Grid Infrastructure software home
- The node listener is a process that helps establish network connections from ASM clients to the ASM instance.
- Runs by default from the Grid $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory
- Listens on port 1521 by default
- Is the same as a database instance listener
- Is capable of listening for all database instances on the same machine in addition to the ASM instance
- Can run concurrently with separate database listeners or be replaced by a separate database listener
- Is named tnslsnr on the Linux platform
15. What is SCAN listener?
A scan listener is something that
additional to node listener which listens the incoming db connection requests
from the client which got through the scan IP, it got end points configured to
node listener where it routes the db connection requests to particular node
16. What is the difference between
crsctl manages clusterware-related
- Starting and stopping Oracle Clusterware
- Enabling and disabling Oracle Clusterware daemons
- Registering cluster resources
srvctl manages Oracle
resource–related operations:
- Starting and stopping database instances and services
- Also from 11gR2 manages the cluster resources like network,vip,disks etc
17. How to control Oracle Clusterware?
To start or stop Oracle Clusterware
on a specific node:
# crsctl stop crs
# crsctl start crs
To enable or disable Oracle
Clusterware on a specific node:
# crsctl enable crs
# crsctl disable crs
19. How to check the cluster (all
nodes) status?
To check the viability of Cluster
Synchronization Services (CSS) across nodes:
$ crsctl check cluster
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization
Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online
20. How to check the cluster (one
node) status?
$ crsctl check crs
CRS-4638: Oracle High Availability
Services is online
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization
Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online
21. How to find Voting Disk location?
•To determine the location of the
voting disk:
# crsctl query css votedisk
## STATE File Universal Id File Name
Disk group
– —– —————– ———- ———-
8c2e45d734c64f8abf9f136990f3daf8 (ASMDISK01) [DATA]
99bc153df3b84fb4bf071d916089fd4a (ASMDISK02) [DATA]
0b090b6b19154fc1bf5913bc70340921 (ASMDISK03) [DATA]
Located 3 voting disk(s).
22. How to find Location of OCR?
- cat /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
- #OCRCHECK (also about OCR integrity)
23. List some background process
that used in ASM Instances?
Opens all device files as part of
discovery and coordinates the rebalance activity
One or more slave processes that
do the rebalance activity
Responsible for managing the disk-level
activities such as drop or offline and advancing the ASM disk group
Marks ASM allocation units as
stale when needed
One or more ASM slave processes
forming a pool of connections to the ASM instance for exchanging messages
One or more parallel slave
processes used in fetching data on clustered ASM installation from GV$ views
24. What are types of ASM Mirroring?
Disk Group Type
Supported Mirroring Levels
Default Mirroring Level
External redundancy
Unprotected (None)
Unprotected (None)
Normal redundancy
Two-wayThree-wayUnprotected (None)
High redundancy
25. What is ASM Striping?
ASM can use variable size data
extents to support larger files, reduce memory requirements, and improve performance.
Each data extent resides on an
individual disk.
Data extents consist of one or more
allocation units.
The data extent size is:
- Equal to AU for the first 20,000 extents (0–19999)
- Equal to 4 × AU for the next 20,000 extents (20000–39999)
- Equal to 16 × AU for extents above 40,000
ASM stripes files using extents with
a coarse method for load balancing or a fine method to reduce latency.
- Coarse-grained striping is always equal to the effective AU size.
- Fine-grained striping is always equal to 128 KB.
26. How many ASM Diskgroups can be
created under one ASM Instance?
ASM imposes the following limits:
- 63 disk groups in a storage system
- 10,000 ASM disks in a storage system
- Two-terabyte maximum storage for each ASM disk (non-Exadata)
- Four-petabyte maximum storage for each ASM disk (Exadata)
- 40-exabyte maximum storage for each storage system
- 1 million files for each disk group
- ASM file size limits (database limit is 128 TB):
- External redundancy maximum file size is 140 PB.
- Normal redundancy maximum file size is 42 PB.
- High redundancy maximum file size is 15 PB.
27. How to find the cluster network
To determine the list of interfaces
available to the cluster:
$ oifcfg iflist –p -n
To determine the public and private
interfaces that have been configured:
$ oifcfg getif
eth0 global public
eth1 global
To determine the Virtual IP (VIP)
host name, VIP address, VIP subnet mask, and VIP interface name:
$ srvctl config nodeapps -a
VIP exists.:host01
VIP exists.:
28. How to change Public or VIP
Address in RAC Cluster?
29. How to change Cluster
interconnect in RAC?
On a single node in the cluster, add
the new global interface specification:
$ oifcfg setif -global
Verify the changes with oifcfg getif
and then stop Clusterware on all nodes by running the following command as root
on each node:
# oifcfg getif
# crsctl stop crs
Assign the network address to the
new network adapters on all nodes using ifconfig:
#ifconfig eth2
netmask broadcast
Remove the former adapter/subnet
specification and restart Clusterware:
$ oifcfgdelif -global
# crsctl start crs
30. Managing or Modifying SCAN in
Oracle RAC?
To add a SCAN VIP resource:
$ srvctl add scan -n cluster01-scan
To remove Clusterware resources from
$ srvctl remove scan [-f]
To add a SCAN listener resource:
$ srvctl add scan_listener
$ srvctl add scan_listener -p 1521
To remove Clusterware resources from
all SCAN listeners:
$ srvctl remove scan_listener [-f]
31. How to check the node connectivity
in Oracle Grid Infrastructure?
$ cluvfy comp nodecon -n all
32. Can I stop all nodes in one
command? Meaning that stopping whole cluster ?
In 10g its not possible, where in
11g it is possible
[root@pic1]# crsctl start cluster
[root@pic2]# crsctl stop cluster –all
[root@pic2]# crsctl stop cluster –all
33. What is OLR? Which of the
following statements regarding the Oracle Local Registry (OLR) is true?
1.Each cluster node has a local
registry for node-specific resources.
2.The OLR should be manually created
after installing Grid Infrastructure on each node in the cluster.
3.One of its functions is to
facilitate Clusterware startup in situations where the ASM stores the OCR and
voting disks.
4.You can check the status of the
OLR using ocrcheck.
34. What is script in
Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2 installation
With Oracle Clusterware 11g release
2, Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) detects when the minimum requirements for
an installation are not met, and creates shell scripts, called fixup scripts,
to finish incomplete system configuration steps. If OUI detects an incomplete
task, then it generates fixup scripts ( You can run the fixup
script after you click the Fix and Check Again Button.
The Fixup script does the following:
If necessary sets kernel parameters
to values required for successful installation, including:
- Shared memory parameters.
- Open file descriptor and UDP send/receive parameters.
Sets permissions on the Oracle
Inventory (central inventory) directory. Reconfigures primary and secondary group
memberships for the installation owner, if necessary, for the Oracle Inventory
directory and the operating system privileges groups.
- Sets shell limits if necessary to required values.
35. How to stop whole cluster with
single command
crsctl stop cluster (possible only from 11gr2), please note
crsctl commands becomes global now, if you do not specify node specifically the
command executed globally for example
crsctl stop crs (stops in all crs resource in all nodes)
crsctl stop crs –n <ndeoname) (stops only in specified
36. CRS is not starting
automatically after a node reboot, what you do to make it happen?
crsctl enable crs (as root)
to disable
crsctl disable crs (as root)
37. What are server pools in 11gr2?
38. What is policy managed databases
in RAC?
39. What is Load balancing & how
does it work?
40. Describe high level Steps to
convert single instance to RAC?
41. What is the difference between
TAF and FAN & FCF? at what conditions you use them?
1) TAF with tnsnames
a feature of Oracle Net Services for OCI8 clients. TAF is transparent application failover which will move a session to a backup connection if the session fails. With Oracle 10g Release 2, you can define the TAF policy on the service using dbms_service package. It will only work with OCI clients. It will only move the session and if the parameter is set, it will failover the select statement. For insert, update or delete transactions, the application must be TAF aware and roll back the transaction. YES, you should enable FCF on your OCI client when you use TAF, it will make the failover faster.
Note: TAF will not work with JDBC thin.
2) FAN with tnsnames with aq notifications true
a feature of Oracle Net Services for OCI8 clients. TAF is transparent application failover which will move a session to a backup connection if the session fails. With Oracle 10g Release 2, you can define the TAF policy on the service using dbms_service package. It will only work with OCI clients. It will only move the session and if the parameter is set, it will failover the select statement. For insert, update or delete transactions, the application must be TAF aware and roll back the transaction. YES, you should enable FCF on your OCI client when you use TAF, it will make the failover faster.
Note: TAF will not work with JDBC thin.
2) FAN with tnsnames with aq notifications true
FAN is a feature of Oracle RAC which
stands for Fast Application Notification. This allows the database to notify
the client of any change (Node up/down, instance up/down, database up/down).
For integrated clients, inflight transactions are interrupted and an error
message is returned. Inactive connections are terminated.
FCF is the client feature for Oracle Clients that have integrated with FAN to provide fast failover for connections. Oracle JDBC Implicit Connection Cache, Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) and Oracle Call Interface are all integrated clients which provide the Fast Connection Failover feature.
3) FCF, along with FAN when using connection pools
FCF is a feature of Oracle clients that are integrated to receive FAN events and abort inflight transactions, clean up connections when a down event is received as well as create new connections when a up event is received. Tomcat or JBOSS can take advantage of FCF if the Oracle connection pool is used underneath. This can be either UCP (Universal Connection Pool for JAVA) or ICC (JDBC Implicit Connection Cache). UCP is recommended as ICC will be deprecated in a future release.
FCF is the client feature for Oracle Clients that have integrated with FAN to provide fast failover for connections. Oracle JDBC Implicit Connection Cache, Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) and Oracle Call Interface are all integrated clients which provide the Fast Connection Failover feature.
3) FCF, along with FAN when using connection pools
FCF is a feature of Oracle clients that are integrated to receive FAN events and abort inflight transactions, clean up connections when a down event is received as well as create new connections when a up event is received. Tomcat or JBOSS can take advantage of FCF if the Oracle connection pool is used underneath. This can be either UCP (Universal Connection Pool for JAVA) or ICC (JDBC Implicit Connection Cache). UCP is recommended as ICC will be deprecated in a future release.
4) ONS, with clusterware either
ONS is part of the clusterware and
is used to propagate messages both between nodes and to application-tiers
ONS is the foundation for FAN upon which is built FCF.
RAC uses FAN to publish configuration changes and LBA events. Applications can react as those published events in two way :
- by using ONS api (you need to program it)
- by using FCF (automatic by using JDBC implicit connection cache on the application server)
you can also respond to FAN event by using server-side callout but this on the server side (as their name suggests it)
ONS is the foundation for FAN upon which is built FCF.
RAC uses FAN to publish configuration changes and LBA events. Applications can react as those published events in two way :
- by using ONS api (you need to program it)
- by using FCF (automatic by using JDBC implicit connection cache on the application server)
you can also respond to FAN event by using server-side callout but this on the server side (as their name suggests it)
Relationship between FAN/FCF/ONS
ONS -> send/receive messages on local and remote nodes.
FAN -> uses ONS to notify other processes about changes in configuration of service level
FCF -> uses FAN information working with conection pools JAVA and others.
ONS -> send/receive messages on local and remote nodes.
FAN -> uses ONS to notify other processes about changes in configuration of service level
FCF -> uses FAN information working with conection pools JAVA and others.
42. Can you add voting disk online?
Do you need voting disk backup?
Yes, as per documentation, if
you have multiple voting disk you can add online, but if you have only one
voting disk , by that cluster will be down as its lost you just need to start
crs in exclusive mode and add the votedisk using
crsctl add votedisk <path>
43. You have lost OCR disk, what is
your next step?
The cluster stack will be down due
to the fact that cssd is unable to maintain the integrity, this is true in 10g,
From 11gR2 onwards, the crsd stack will be down, the hasd still up and running.
You can add the ocr back by restoring the automatic backup or import the manual
44. What happens when ocssd fails,
what is node eviction? how does node eviction happens? For all answer will be
45. What is virtual IP and how does
it works?
Read here
46. Describe some rac wait events
you experienced?
and this table,
47. Can you modify VIP address after
your cluster installation?
Yes, read here
48. How do you interpret AWR report
in RAC instances, what sections in awr report for rac instances are most
Read here.
Update 12-May-2013, Some practical
questions added here
1. Viewing Contents in OCR/Voting
There are three possible ways to view
the OCR contents.
b. crs_stat
-p (or)
c. By
using strings.
Voting disk contents are not persistent
and are not required to view the contents, because the voting disk contents
will be overwritten. if still need to view, strings are used.
2. Server pools – Read in my blog
3. Verifying Cluster Interconnect
Cluster interconnects can be
verified by:
i. oifcfg
ii. From
AWR Report.
iii. show
parameter cluster_interconnect
iv. srvctl
config network
4. Does scan IP required or we can
disable it
SCAN IP can be disabled if not required.
However SCAN IP is mandatory during the RAC installation. Enabling/disabling
SCAN IP is mostly used in oracle apps environment by the concurrent manager
(kind of job scheduler in oracle apps).
To disable the SCAN IP,
i. Do
not use SCAN IP at the client end.
ii. Stop
scan listener
srvctl stop scan_listener
iii. Stop
srvctl stop scan (this will stop the scan vip's)
iv. Disable
scan and disable scan listener
srvctl disable scan
5. Migrating to new Diskgroup
a. Case 1: Migrating disk group from one
storage to other with same name
1. Consider the disk group is DATA,
2. Create new disks in DATA pointing
towards the new storage (EMC),
a) Partioning provisioning
done by storage and they give you the device name or mapper like
3. Add the new disk to diskgroup DATA
a) Alter diskgroup data add disk '/dev/mapper/asakljdlas'
3. drop the old disks from DATA with which
rebalancing is done automatically.
If you want you can the rebalance by
alter system set asm_power_limit =12 for full throttle.
alter diskgroup data drop disk
'path to hitachi storage'
Note: you can get the device name in
v$asm_disk in path column.
4. Request SAN team to detach the old
Storage (HITACHI).
b. Case 2: Migrating disk group from one to
another with different diskgroup name.
1) Create the Disk group with new name
in the new storage.
2) Create the spfile in new diskgroup
and change the parameter scope = spfile for control files etc.
3) Take a control file backup in format
4) Shutdown the db, startup nomount the
5) restore the control file from backup
(now the control will restore to new diskgroup)
6) Take the RMAN backup as copy of all
the databases with new format.
RMAN> backup database as copy
format '+newdiskgroup name' ;
3) RMAN> Switch database to copy.
4) Verify
dba_data_files,dba_temp_files, v$log that all files are pointing to new
diskgroup name.
c. Case 3: Migrating disk group to new
storage but no additional diskgroup given
1) Take the RMAN backup as copy of all
the databases with new format and place it in the disk.
2) Prepare rename commands from v$log
,v$datafile etc (dynamic queries)
3) Take a backup of pfile and modify
the following referring to new diskgroup name
4) stop the database
5) Unmount the
asmcmd umount ORA_DATA
6) use asmcmd
renamedg (11gr2 only) command to rename to new diskgroup
phase=both dgname=ORA_DATA newdgname=NEW_DATA verbose=true
7) mount the diskgroup
asmcmd mount NEW_DATA
8) start the database in mount
with new pfile taken backup in step 3
9) Run the rename file scripts
generated at step2
9) Add the diskgroup to
cluster the cluster (if using rac)
modify database -d orcl -p +NEW_FRA/orcl/spfileorcl.ora
srvctl modify database -d
orcl -a "NEW_DATA"
srvctl config database -d
srvctl start database -d
10) Delete the old diskgroup from
crsctl delete resource
11) Open the database.
7. Database rename in RAC, what
could be the checklist for you?
a. Take
the outputs of all the services that are running on the databases.
b. set
c. Drop
all the services associated with the database.
d. Stop
the database
e. Startup
f. Use
nid to change the DB Name.
Generic question, If using ASM the usual location for the datafile would
be +DATA/datafile/OLDDBNAME/system01.dbf'
Does NID changes this path too? to reflect the new db name?
Yes it will, by using proper directory structure it will create a links
to original directory structure. +DATA/datafile/NEWDBNAME/system01.dbf'
this has to be tested, We dont
have test bed, but thanks to Anji who confirmed it will
g. Change
the parameters according to the new database name
h. Change
the password file.
i. Stop
the database.
j. Mount
the database
k. Open
database with Reset logs
l. Create
spfile from pfile.
m. Add
database to the cluster.
n. Create
the services that are dropped in prior to rename.
o. Bounce
the database.
8.How to find the database in which
particular service is attached to when you have a large number of databases
running in the server, you cannot check one by one manually
Write a shell script to read the
database name from oratab and iterate the loop taking inpt as DB name in srvctl
to get the result.
for INSTANCE in `cat /etc/oratab|grep -v "^#"|cut -f1 -d: -s`
echo `srvctl status service -d $INSTANCE -s $1| grep -i "is running"`
for INSTANCE in `cat /etc/oratab|grep -v "^#"|cut -f1 -d: -s`
echo `srvctl status service -d $INSTANCE -s $1| grep -i "is running"`
9. Difference between OHAS and CRS
OHAS is complete cluster stack which includes some kernel level tasks like managing network,time synchronization, disks etc, where the CRS has the ability to manage the resources like database,listeners,applications, etc With both of this Oracle provides the high availability clustering services rather only affinity to databases.
OHAS is complete cluster stack which includes some kernel level tasks like managing network,time synchronization, disks etc, where the CRS has the ability to manage the resources like database,listeners,applications, etc With both of this Oracle provides the high availability clustering services rather only affinity to databases.
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